The Confession of Parish Priests
- Code:SIH011
- Weight:0.040 Kgs
” (...) we are publishing a guide for the confession of parish priests, a book which has been required by the servants of the Church of Christ.
Appended to this guide for priest is a confession guide for their wives, which can be useful in their spiritual life, since they too are sanctified through their husbands, celebrating priests of the holy altars. Father Cleopa himself considered issuing such a confession for the wives of priests, but it is only now that it comes out.”
(fragment from Foreword, by Archimandrite Ioanichie Bălan)
- Publisher:Mănăstirea Sihăstria
- Author(s):Arhimandrit Cleopa Ilie
- Comments and notes to the edition:Arhimandrit Ioanichie Bălan
- Edition:a III-a
- Year of publication:2010
- Number of pages:32
- Language:Română
- Dimensions (h x L x w):130 x 200 x 3
- Type of cover:Flexibilă
- Weight:0.040
- ISSN:978-973-7897-96-1
- Product code:SIH011