Orthodox Dogmatic Theology (set)
- Code:IBM015
- Weight:1.490 Kgs
”Orthodox Dogmatic Theology ” is, still, the vastest Romanian theological synthesis whose exceptionally rich content, issued from a mind that was deeply familiar with the dogma of the Orthodox faith as well as with the language of philosophy and the Philokalia, offers great holy joy to whoever wishes to grow spiritually in communion with God. (...)
The nucleus around which Father Staniloae's entire theological thinking is articulated is, quite naturally, the Person of Jesus Christ, God the Son embodied for the restauration and transfiguration of man and of the world. Thus, God-the Man, Jesus Christ, becomes the final scope goal of any Christian's life, who wishes for eternal life and happiness, becauise He offers us sanctification and deification through the grace of the Holy Trinity ....”
(fragment from Foreword by
Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church)
- Publisher:IBMBOR
- Author(s):Preot Profesor Dumitru STĂNILOAE
- Comments and notes to the edition:Anișoara Berbece
- Edition:a IV-a
- Year of publication:2010
- Number of pages:1405
- Language:Română
- Dimensions (h x L x w):150 X 212 X 68
- Type of cover:Cartonată
- Weight:1.490
- ISBN:978-973-616-147-6
- Volume:I + II + III
- Product code:IBM015